Forensics: Isolation of DNA from whole blood.
Abstract In this lab extraction of DNA FlexiGene DNA kit was used. The extraction process included effective disruption of cells,...

PCR: Amplification of blood extracted DNA.
Abstract To detect the presence or absence of Interferon gamma mutation on +874 it was necessary to run a PCR in order to amplify the DNA...

1…2…3…faces I am counting 1…2…3… faces. You only see two but I see three. Maybe it’s because you only have two eyes. It’s not like I...

Discovery: Nature and function of sleep
QUE: Write about what psychologists have discovered about the nature and function of sleep and how these findings can be put into...

RFLP method: Characterise human DNA & paternity analysis
QUE: Discuss the use of method to characterise human DNA samples as applied to paternity testing. Restriction Fragment Length...

Excretion: Presence of ammonia and urea
ABSTRACT The experimental procedure was done to determine the presence of ammonia and urea in the excreta of terrestrial animals whereby...