Darkest shade of grey
Darkest shade of grey
In which dark cave does your beauty lie?
For I have taken down the darkest jungles; searching for you
But I still find nothing but a monster each season.
In which deep pit has thy faithfulness fallen?
For I have dived into the deepest valley; just for you
But I still stumble upon nightmares in each trial
I gave you everything I thought I had, even when I did not have anything to offer
But you showed me what you thought was love when you were inwardly slashing my soul.
Growing up as an inspired youth I dreamt of making you the most precious of all gems;
I sought to garnish you with all beauties of this universe and out.
My life, I wanted you to be the one
The one I have always desired to nourish with my sweat of hard work
But here you are wretched and destroyed like the walls of Babylon.
I cry out for you, but you are in ashes of ruin, how will you rescue me from my malady
All I ever wanted was for you to love me too
But in your dreamy eyes I’m still a worthless fool, an idiot!
I have walked away because of your countless mistakes
Here I am, begging for forgiveness for your thoughtless wrongs
My life, why is it so hard for you to hold me like your own?
I thought I was lovable, but you still won’t comply.
Tell me if I have wronged you. Kill me if you think I never cared for you
For you treat me like a criminal when I submit to you
Was I being stupid when I hoped for us to be so close like the night and the moon
Was it a failure that I nurtured in the name of true love?
Everyone adored your success! my life; until you walked away
You have dressed me in shame and poverty
My life, you are now a treasure I lost when I was struggling,
Struggling to keep your beauty untainted
Now you are the darkest shade of grey.
Written by
Khulekani Ndlovu

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