‘‘Zimbabwe is open for business.’’ Policies that the government of Zimbabwe has implemented to lure
It is always the duty of the government to make sure that it creates an environment that is investor friendly. This is to say that the...

Twenty-One Days Before Christmas
Twenty One Days Before Christmas Three weeks before the christmas of '58 my mother announced that the whole family was going to spent...

How innovative green infrastructure projects can contribute to the sustainability of Zimbabwean citi
QUESTION : Contemporary scholars argue that green infrastructure projects improve the city’s overall sustainability. With aid of...

Identification of different forms of bacteria.
TITLE: Identification of different forms of bacteria. INTRODUCTION Prokaryotic are unicellular cells which have many differences from...

Love Is Only You
Love Is Only You It doesn’t matter the distance Voice travel more than light Pain may cut deeper than a sword But your voice goes even...

Commitment Is Not Comfort
Commitment Is Not Comfort "I loved you and you never returned the same amount of love. Thabang, you were my pride and joy but with you...