Time:Live today to forget yesterday

It’s a little bit funny, how you live today to forget yesterday but how you live tomorrow to remember the future. How trees lose leaves, the sun sets and rises again, the traffic lights go from green, amber, to red and they never seem to stop. How that smile gets you smiling too and that tear puts you to sadness. Life the greatest gift of all being taken and also life going on as if yesterday never happened. We live each day hoping that tomorrow is better, with dreams, aspirations, and visions of what is ahead. Flying cars, houses on the moon and even funny enough, designer babies.
To wake up each and every morning to fight, to give whatever it takes to make it happen. Surprisingly the dreams can be put aside for a while, then comes in the villain, to charge at the dreamer and to take it all away but bring a dream in a another dream. Lifelong parties, alcohol, drugs, knights in shining armour which are in fact knights in dark armour. The newer dream is appealing, fun, wild and oh yeah you can never get rid of it. All is well at first sight but it is in fact a dream in another dream. The desirable villain that takes away the attention when you stop to catch the view for a few seconds and the jogging buddy keeps on running as he/she waits for no man. The jogging buddy that won’t stop and turn to realise that his/her partner is left behind.
Time. It does sweep by swiftly going at everyone’s pace but not everyone can manage. You see it going hoping to catch up until you realise it is too late and you are left behind. Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited FOR, but, rather something to be achieved and that means moving along with time. You will become as great as your dominant aspiration. If you cherish a vision, a lofty ideal in your heart, you will realise it. Although critics might feast at your failure, laugh at your incompetence, mimic your stupidity in order to mock, the dreamer does hold on.
It might be gruesome, tears each and every day, sleepless nights and worst of all embarrassing. I call it the spot, your failure put up for the world to see. But courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘’I will try again tomorrow’’. YESTERDAY IS not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. Make the choice. In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired. Aren’t you tired of dreaming and not making your dreams a REALITY? ’Action does not always lead to happiness but there is no happiness without action.’’
Vague principles are thrown up just to FORGET THE dream, me, I cannot do IT, I don’t have the thinking capacity, I don’t even have the persona. But learn one thing in all, learn how to be happy with what you have whilst you pursue all you want. Self-initiated learning once begun, develops its own momentum and once that mind is stretched to an idea it never goes back to its original dimensions.
As the Chinese proverb says, learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. Have the will. Our dreams might be different but we all want success. It is not enough to have a good mind. The great thing is to use it well. To change what we do not desire. Make that change. Music is a UNIFIER OF us all, so I quote from the late great king of pop, Michael Jackson, AND ‘START with the man in the mirror’. The journey of a thousand miles begins 1with a single step. Take that step and see if you won’t enjoy the view. ‘’The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’’. Own the future!