Last Memories
Last Memories
It was late December when we first met, the day I cant forget in my life cause the words you gave me they were worth my life.You’re such an
inspiration to admire because what you preach is healthy to groom one’s dirty life, at first I never believed in you cause you seemed very young but I taught myself that never judge a book without it’s cover even if the person is young he/she can change an old mind of an individual.
Amogelang met Kgolo late December and during that time Amogelang was down and out, feeling lonely an that drove him to a boring life he had in Mabopane but you know what friends are for, Kgolo came to rescue and friendzoned Amogelang because Kgolo loved making new friends even if it’s the first time she sees you she will start a conversation with you regardless of gender, Amogelang and Kgolo met at a tuck shop when Amogelang went there to buy airtime and sweets.
After he bought sweets and airtime he decided to chill with Kgolo, Reba and Kea and Kea was Amogelang’s girlfriend but that wasn’t official because they were dating on social media but fortunate enough they met on that day.Reba is Kea’s little sister but yet she’s more fun than her big sister Kea, thats when Amogelang saw life at Mabopane being easy cause now he has few friends plus a girlfriend he felt in love with on a social media and that proves that love is really blind.
The following day when Amogelang went back to the shop to chill with those ladies he found company, a mix of gents an ladies Amogelang was really confused cause he dislike being in a group but he went. When Reba saw Amo coming with his cousin Kearabetswe,Reba couldn’t hold herself but ran to give Amo,s cousin a hug cause it’s been long since they saw each other. Amo went straight to Kgolo while Kearabetswe went to the group that was hanging at the tuck shop.
While Amo was talking to Kgolo he overheard his cousin’s conversation with those people who were hanging at the tuck shop saying “Bro’s that’s my cousin Amo don’t be confused and ask who is he”, Amo felt relieved and welcomed for a moment because after that they had fun like never before, they traveled Mabopane UX like never before because they were all excited that day.
Since then Amo had friends and started to enjoy Mabopane and had a wired relationship with Kea because Kea started to suspect that Amo was dating one of her friends. Kea tried to hurt Amo by not giving him time but Amo saw that before then retreat from being hurt and started to spend time with Kgolo secretly since kea is acting wired.
Kgolo gave Amo a great comfort and became a shoulder since he is hurt and lost again while Reba tries to talk to Kea but nothing seems to be working towards the positive side, Kea went back to her ex and left Amo without telling him, Amo heard from Reba and China that Kea has moved on with her old boyfriend but Amo couldn’t believe them till he saw them chilling together cuddling, Amo went to Kgolo to speak to her about what happened that day and Kgolo told Amo that she might be to quick to move on but she will come back when life knocks her down, Amo believed every word Kgolo said cause Kea was her friend and she knows her more than he does.
Few days before Amo left Mabopane Kea went to Amo to ask for forgiveness and all that she did to him but Amo never took a second thought and told her that “After all that you did to me I can’t forgive you” Kea felt like the world would break an let her go in. Her caricature was so scary that time to a point were it made Amo to tell her that “We rather be friends than to be in love again cause I don’t bite the same shirt twice”, therefore Amo and Kea made peace.A year later Amo got a call from Kea telling him that Kgolo has passed away in an accident,Amo couldn’t believe Kea that time but as time goes on he saw post on Facebook saying “R.I.P. Kgolo” thats when he started to believe that she is really gone.
Amo called his cousin to confirm that is she really gone then his cousin told him the very same story and the sad part was Amo couldn’t make to her funeral because that time Amo was in Bloemfontein for his school work. Now Amo can’t forgive himself for not making it to her funeral but he keeps on hoping that where ever Kgolo is will forgive him one day even if it’s not today cause it’s still early because the last memory we had together was in 2015 late December before January.