Signature of Self: The Revelation.
Once upon a time; The Ring Finger once boldly stood up, And it received a bunch of red roses. The middle finger followed in style, And if you think it received roses, think again. Ring Fingers are Ring Fingers. Middle Fingers are Middle Fingers. A ring finger is not a middle finger. A middle finger is certainly NOT, well you know it.
If gods let sapphires be sapphires and rubies be rubies, Who am I to be you? Who are you to be me? If you let Halloween be Halloween and Christmas be Christmas, Why can’t you let me be myself and free yourself and be you? If trees are trees and shrubs are shrubs, Then let them be themselves and us be ourselves. If a square is not a hexagon, then definitely a hexagon is not a square. So you are not me and I am not you either.
Thought you knew the reason why dogs bark and cats meow. It is because a spade is a spade and a shovel is a shovel. Is it not that we are unique numbers in God’s Sudoku? Yes, I am a tiger, Panthera Tigris and you are a mountain zebra. Shift one box out of territory, the food chain puzzle is spoilt. Guess it is now apparent having stripes does not make a zebra a tiger.

So I sing; Dusks will be Dusks and Dawns will be Dawns. White will be White and Black will be Black. Whispers will be Whispers and Talks will be Talks. Quarter Past will be Quarter Past and O’clock will be O’clock. Fridays will be Fridays and Mondays will be Mondays. Planets will be Planets and Stars will be Stars, Otherwise we would wish on revolving planets and walk on shooting stars.
After all You shall be You and I shall be Signature of Self.
Poem written by: Dumisani Mukuchura