Regrets Of My Addiction
Regrets Of My Addiction.
Sunday evening Tshepo had to confess, he said, "i used to love sex when i was still a virgin, but it was because of peer pressure and now i blame it because now am sexually active and i can't help it, am always thirsty and sometimes i can't get it when i need it" confessing to his friend Tshepang thinking that with what he said to her will make her feel pity for him but instead he scared her and pushed her away while that breaks their solid friendship, Tshepang became distant to Tshepo since she knew his addiction and that affected their friendship a lot because they were once best friends and now they are seeing each other as strangers. Tshepo continued to live his life without Tshepang because he also saw that after his confession things became more strange than they were before, this affected Tshepo's life because he had a crush for Tshepang and he thought confessing to her about his past will make her feel pity about him an open up for him since he had no way to express his feelings to Tsheoang. Few days later when Tshepo start to realise that she is really gone he started to create his fantasy about her trying to avoid reality but this made his addiction worse because Tshepang had a bright future behind her and a well developed curve, her completion was of an African queen with no artificials and her walk was so inspiring and able to make her bright future twerk as she walks, Tshepo end up stalking Tshepang just to get her full body pictures and videos and masturbate with them since his fantasy was so big about Tshepang and he can't get her. One day while Tshepo was searching for pictures on Tshepang's facebook he found out that Tshepang was madly in love with his old friend, he immediately went out to hunt Tshepang because he couldn't believe what he saw, he kidnaped Tshepang and raped her for about three months before killing her. After killing Tshepang he found out that him and Tshepang were twins just they were separated after birth and raise by different families since their late parents got divorced. He saw his "big fantasy" fading and reality starts to strike, his addiction made him loose Tshepang and he tried to run away from reality but it caught up with him and he was arrested for murder and rape and he was served with life sentence in jail. Never end up like Tshepo avoid peer pressure not reality.

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