________Her Plan All Along.__________
________Her Plan All Along.__________ . She said to herself after breaking up with her boyfriend, "You thought you used me but i enjoy it". Few day later when she realise how much she miss being used, she went straight into her room picked up her phone and dailed her Ex number yet she never called cause she was deep in tears. After crying she started to make moves thinking how she will make him pay for his mistakes cause once you mess with a girl from Pitori there will always be a pay. She tried to blackmail him and she failed, she tried to scam him and she fail again, after realizing that her plans keep on failing and she wasted enough money to visit him in his place for one round and cuddles all day, she came up with a bright plan but after a month of her failures she brought herself close to her Ex boyfriend knowing that he would fall for her since she knows his weaknesses. A couple of days later her Ex boyfriend was wrapped around her finger, when she say "jump" you'd hear him asking "how high" but there came a day were she had to go and visit her Ex boyfriend again, she was so excited about going there, it seems she forgot her plan. The following day she couldn't wait she caught a taxi early so she can have quality time with her Ex boyfriend, he had a surprise knock when he was about to bath and when he went to get it, it was his girlfriend, he was excited he even took a quick bath and made a meal for them, immediately after eating he pulled her towards him and started kissing and undressing her slow, she went with the flow till that moment comes when her Ex was busy struggling to wear a condom and she said "I can't do this with you anymore" she stood up and tried to dress herself but her Ex boyfriend pushed her to the wall asked "What do you think you're are doing?" She managed to escape him and went straight to the kitchen and picked a knife and said "This was my plan you used me enough, this ends now" she then stabbed her Ex boyfriend to death. Jessica was unconscious pf what she was doing because lately after realising that he is dead, she started to scream and began to run away. Jessica's plan was to kill her Ex boyfriend all along since he failed much of her plans."Modiri wa lebala, modirwa ga lebale". . Written By Amogelang The Speaker

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