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Her beautiful eyes radiant as she looks at you.

The warmth in her touch,

Even her smile would melt ice frozen since

Last September.

Her heart is in her sleeve, but worry not about those,

Who would hurt her and take advantage of her goodness.

Outwardly she is tough.

In other words a female Hitler

But deep inside her heart is as pure as gold.

The tragedies she has outlived,

Are worse than hurricanes and tornedos.

But there she is standing strong and unmovable

She is a survivor.

Life itself had tried to push her,

Push her to the very limits of existence,

But she had conquered.

Like a lioness she is proud.

Being a queen of her own castle,

As well as the queen of my heart.

Like Deborah she is a hard worker.

Nurturing life that she had given.

The twenty first century Dorcas.

A woman of substance, a daughter of destiny

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