Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to who? Happy Birthday to; We, Thé, She and He.
Friends here. Few to me, more to the jeer. More to see, few to the cheer. Few to come for free, more to fear. More to come for a fee, few to actually care.
Walked this journey chanting the birthday song to my life. When I was 16 I got a yummy chocolate cake I craved. Then at 18 a sour lemon cake was served instead. In both seasons I sowed a wish and blew out the candles, But that didn’t stop the blurting out of the smoke afterwards.

You question me rhetorical, “How old I am?” Today I am getting older, someday I will be getting old. Riddle me Riddle, If my first breath had a third leg of triumph, If my “being here” gave me a world record. If all made me once the youngest person alive. Then what is out of my reach in this life when I have a Midas touch?
Likewise presents came. Some harnessing blessings. Some carrying curses. But, Thank You God Always, For another Happy Birthday it is.
Written by
Dumisani Mukuchura click for more