La Cri
La Cri Agape ask them, how do they manage to sleep at night? How they can turn a blind eye to that ear deafening cry for help? Sons of Adam where did Philia go? Aren’t you Brothers? Eve where did Storge go? Are you not mother to the Sun, Moon and Earth? How did the word share leave our hearts? Do we still have Hearts, tell me? If yes where is the LOVE, why can’t we SHARE? Is it that we lost the Macedonia in us? Listen to the cry my Brother, See the tears my Sister. Remember, there is more happiness in giving than receiving.
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Kuccitags has partnered with Subaltern Keepers, a charity organisation to help source donations which will be directed to Tanyaradzwa Children’s Home (a home of less privileged children) Help in Cash or Kind is appreciated. To Donate Contact: Christian Chikengezha : +263 775629248 : Eliseus Tarwireyi : +263 776357353 : Tanaka Masiiwa : +263 715060689 OR use the Ecocash Line : +263 785 191 641 | visit their Facebook Page: Subaltern Society

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