Not So Pleasant
Not So Pleasant
Even I thought I could, Well my will power motivated me. I had made up my mind uncordially with my heart Maybe I anticipated it will conform. Day and night I continue to lie to myself. The more I lie, the more I built my own castle of pain, Excruciating pain runs deep within and push me to the limits.
Life is not blissful with your absence. Past five Decembers without your smile, Yes, my heart yearns. Yearns you hear every word I have to say. My heart is heavy with a lot of things, Which I have to tell you.
It not pleasant as you grow up I admit, Yes, being grey haired is a sign of wisdom.
I wish to see the smirk on your face, When you see me realize. Realize life is not all rosy. There are ups and there are downs.
Now I realize, it was not your fault.
Out of those seventy eight years.
Life had pushed you to the limits of endurance.
Written by:
Fadzai Mudekwa: follow her on facebook here.

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