I weep for myself, the golden rose, from the North to the South For my voice has become faint and no one is willing to hear I plead for myself, the golden rose, from the East to the West For my knees have rested on the ground but won me no mercy
A curse was once sang upon my seed by wicked eagles But I germinated and soils parted for me to sprout up to the surface The skies mocked my weak roots and hid their blessings But I watered myself with the rivers of my naked eyes The sun frowned at my fragile leaves so that they would fall But I coiled my leaves , and hid my golden face inside
Now I am a fresh lustrous golden rose, bred by mother nature herself I have fought for my self and conquered ,myself But now the King has returned to pluck out my golden petals The same way he plucked out the heart of my father And gave it away for the beaks of the vultures to plunder
I have pleaded for him to spare me but my voice proved inaudible He dragged me to the core of his hut and depressed my freedom I was dressed in rusted chains, chains of fatal injustice I wept and wept till my tears ran dry and my petals went pale I sat there in the emotional prison ,behind bars of bitterness I peered through cracked walls, and asked if mother nature could bail me out
I would look into streams of rays, beaming through the thatched roof I wanted to ask God why I lived but knew that I wasn't offended by the one above I was offended by the beast , crawling on the stomach of the earth with wicked legs I was dressed in beads , the royal attire, as the beast's bride
Seeing his face everyday reminded me of unsolved grudges All I wanted was to tear him into numerous shreds I have to fight again, and put my thorns in use I am a child of nature and cannot be dared by its fruits
From the golden rose to the black rose
My inner volcano of vengeance has erupted and the lava floods
I have worn an armor of ignorance
I have crowned myself with thy thorns of wickedness
Slowly I smile as I brew alcohol for the king And add a pinch of my gold poison into the sips Very soon it will be over, as I am murdering him slowly I am tired of crying, I am fed up of abuse Yes I am the golden rose with black thorns Treat me right, you will love my colour Anger me and my thorns will make you suffer
Written by
... Khulekani Ndlovu