The unteaching of Maxwell
The unteaching of Maxwell Growing up there was an idea which scared me. The idea of the existence of Satan; The devil, the outcast singing angel. Here I am thinking I knew who he was, A double-horned, pitchfork wielding monster. The guy who is all fiery bearing a stingray tail. But, you know what? I guess I was wrong. So, the question stands who is the actual Lucifer? Truth be told it can be that guy walking down the street. That woman who you sat with in the bus. That girl in your class or the old man who owns the Corner Store. T hat’s pretty much everyone, doesn’t that scare you? This is scarier not ‘’a wolf in sheep’s clothing” But a sheep with a wolf’s bloodlust living among other sheep. This is how cold the world has become. Not aliens destroying us, we are destroying us. It seems the earths core is nothing but all ice these days, Because I have seen girls who have white phosphorus bombs in their mouths. When they talk they erode every fiber of your will to live. I have seen boys who have placed living souls in body bags, And like it isn’t bad enough the world applauds that. Yet I thought I would live on earth as I would in Heaven but this world rewards the satanic.
This is the idea that has left the world filled with the walking dead.
Some shit happening to the people they are just physically walking,
But inside them there are crippled hearts and limping brains.
I have witnessed the impossible in this era were savagery reigns.
Axes cutting trees today and having the audacity to
Come back tomorrow and ask how the trees they’ve wounded are doing.
I mean how do you sleep at night, fake friends is that some twisted care I don’t understand or…?
Its totally sad, when you come to think of it.
But that’s not all, listen to this ugly truth.
I grew up believing in a lie, who I thought was the devil wasn’t.
Here I am trying to unteach myself off this deadly facade.
This is now the world;
Were the devil’s advocate is more devilish than the devil himself.
Where I have the capability to also be as cold as the Antarctic.
This scares the skeleton out of my body.
Poem written by:
Dumisani Mukuchura
Contact info: +263715026554