Sugar coated but it is bitter, Glittery but not gold at all, Greener over here but husky that s ide, Life is not all a bag of roses.
I try to appreciate life as it is but,
I think my eyes see the negative and are blind to the positive
I try to listen to good things but the bad always lurk into my ears somehow,
It seems like their life is perfect but a cloud of darkness is hidden in the closet somewhere, Together with skeletons that defy human imagination,
Well it seems I go all the way to find out but,
It all comes from every angle for my attention. I just don’t seem to be all aspirations.
It seems like I am a snob.
I wear a lot of makeup and expensive glasses and had expensive clothes. My quietness seemed more like arrogance yet in the inside,
Truly, I am an adorable pony,
What it seems it is just an illusion; It is not at all what it is.
Written By
Fadzai Mudekwa follow her on facebook here

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