Commitment Is Not Comfort
Commitment Is Not Comfort "I loved you and you never returned the same amount of love. Thabang, you were my pride and joy but with you it was never the same" she said, while crying
Boitumelo forced herself to be strong in a relationship with Thabang because she loved him whole heartedly, but Thabang didn't see it that way, he was playful, careless and ignorant. Sometimes you would think that they were strangers, but she stood up and still loved.
Two years before, things were better and ongoing, love was on air. Thabang took plenty of sacrifice just to be with his girlfriend and Boitumelo would even cross burnt bridges just to see the smile on Thabang's face, but what she was doing seemed wrong in Thabang's eyes because he wanted something different like playing hide and seeks.
He wanted a lady that he will not give him attention and also too dramatic not what Boitumelo was. This trapped Thabang because he couldn't leave, even though Boitumelo wasn't his match, he tried to stay and fake love.
In this way Thabang felt better. Boitumelo got false impression and committed to him yet Thabang was busy trying to find his perfect match outside. Life became more complex afterwards; Thabang kept secrets and used passwords on his phone while he did not want Boitumelo to have passwords or secrets with him.
He started to be insecure so that he can secure himself not to get caught, and he even started to control Boitumelo with her life. This made Boitumelo sad cause she was mistreated and always accused of wrong doings.
Boitumelo taught of taking a break with Thabang but didn't work because she was so committed, her heart broke but continued loving, her smile perished but continued cherishing and her eyes broke from crystals to teary eyes and still her love for Thabang grew big.
Life sometimes don't give us what we want but Boitumelo chose to stay strong and loyal to Thabang because she had hope, no matter how heartbroken she gets love was always a solution to her.
Thabang felt guilty about his decision he once took because he saw how determined Boitumelo is about loving him, but it was never too late to catch up. Thabang tried to change and make Boitumelo happy but it wasn't worth it, the damage was already done.
When Thabang became loyal Boitumelo also became fed up and decided to change as well. Thabang chose to be loyal with his change and Boitumelo chose to leave Thabang.
When a woman is fed up nothing will change her mind and change didn't benefit any of them. They both lost what they had to keep, commitment is not comfort. Written By
......................... Amogelang The Speaker

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