Adaptation of woodlice to temperature change.
ABSTRACT The ability to acclimatise to different environmental changes varies from organism to organism and thus the need to determine...

Time:Live today to forget yesterday
It’s a little bit funny, how you live today to forget yesterday but how you live tomorrow to remember the future. How trees lose leaves,...

Knowledge base: Types of detectors used in Gas Chromatography.
Gas chromatography is a term used to describe the group of analytical separation techniques used to analyse volatile substances in the...

The camel, a desert champion
The camel has been termed an excellent desert animal that can withstand high temperatures as well as weeks without food or water...

Quality and quantity determination of DNA samples. Brief summary.
Abstract DNA yield can be assessed using various methods including absorbance (optical density), agarose gel electrophoresis, or use of...

Singing capacity & biting force in Darwinian Finches.
Trade-offs are an essential survival tool for a species existing in a natural environment that has a limited amount of resources. The...