It is Love
It is Love
Now here we are enjoying the fruits of it. It has been many moons coming. The planting. The weeding. The watering. All began with Eros specially crafting the seed. A seed that was Godly planted in my heart. Summer, Winter all seasons came and went away. My parents pruned all those crooked side branches. All in attempt to keep me straight in my ways. Nature ’s rains added inches to the growth. Then one day the tree was axed down with a heartbreak. But, as the Sun still shines and the Rain still pours it re-shot and re-sprout. Then in the middle of all that she came by, With amazing buttress roots and her lively green leaves. From that moment our leaves danced in the wind. We shared sunshine and smiled photosynthetically. Then later her branch was perfectly grafted into mine. also, mine budded and brought flowers in her. We were one tree, all because of Love. Poem written by:
Dumisani Mukuchura email him here

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