Marie Anne and Co.
Marie Anne and Co. I know a girl who is preying to have it all, When rather She should be praying and praying. Captioning her pictures...

Analysis of a Real Estate Refurbishment Project by Craft Properties.
Using a real estate refurbishment project of your own choice in Zimbabwe: a) Define the term comprehensive refurbishment.(5) b) Explain...

The waiter
The waiter Mm….something was just not right no no. Maybe I’m some kind of an over ambitious lady but I’m sure someone could justify my...

‘‘Zimbabwe is open for business.’’ Policies that the government of Zimbabwe has implemented to lure
It is always the duty of the government to make sure that it creates an environment that is investor friendly. This is to say that the...

How innovative green infrastructure projects can contribute to the sustainability of Zimbabwean citi
QUESTION : Contemporary scholars argue that green infrastructure projects improve the city’s overall sustainability. With aid of...

It is Love
It is Love Now here we are enjoying the fruits of it. It has been many moons coming. The planting. The weeding. The watering. All...