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How innovative green infrastructure projects can contribute to the sustainability of Zimbabwean citi

QUESTION : Contemporary scholars argue that green infrastructure projects improve the city’s overall sustainability. With aid of examples, discuss how innovative green infrastructure projects can contribute to the sustainability of Zimbabwean cities. (50)

There is no universally agreed definition of what sustainability means. There are many different views on what it is and how it can be achieved. The idea of sustainability stems from the concept of sustainable development. Partaking in green infrastructure projects is a way of achieving sustainability in other words green infrastructure projects contribute to sustainability of cities. This essay is going to focus on how green infrastructure projects contribute to sustainability with special reference to Zimbabwean cities.

Green infrastructure holds different interpretations which ranges from social, economic and recreational. Green Infrastructure is based on the principle that ‘protecting and enhancing nature and natural processes are consciously integrated into spatial planning and territorial development’ (European Commission).Thus in simple terms green infrastructure development is development that integrates the natural environment in spatial planning and development. A strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services’ in both rural and urban settings can be defined as green infrastructure(Hansein and Pauleit 2014). Also the European Commission defines green infrastructure as the use of ecosystems, green spaces and water in a strategic land use planning to deliver environmental quality of life benefits. However one should note that benefits of green infrastructure range from social, economic and physical benefits as this essay shall highlight.

Stimson, Stough and Roberts (2006) defines sustainability as a process of change in which the exploitation of resource, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both the current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations. In simple terms sustainability is the efficient use of resources to meet the needs of the present generations in such a way that will not comprise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Green infrastructure projects includes parks, open spaces, playing fields, environmental sensitive areas like wetlands, private gardens, green roofs, blue roofs, permeable pavings, urban tree and canopies, green parking among others. The next part of the essay is going to show how these projects can contribute to the sustainability of Zimbabwean cities.

Green roofs are part and parcel of green infrastructure projects which can be implemented in Zimbabwe which contribute to sustainable cities. Green roofs are made up of a top vegetative layer that grows in an engineered soil, which sits on top of a drainage layer (UN Habitat 2009). A green roof can be covered in a small layer of soil with different types of plants. Green roofs help in mitigating floods as the plants will absorb water which was supposed to runoff thus reducing flooding as water discharge would have been reduced .In other words this project can be used to manage rainwater when it falls. Communities across the country want to protect their water quality while also getting the greatest possible benefit out of every investment they make. The use of green roofs does not only help mitigate floods but also helps to reduce dirt being exposed into water through runoff thus reducing the amount of money needed to purify water. As a result saving resources for future generation, thus contributing to the sustainability of an area. This sustainability can be said to be economical in nature.

The incorporation of green infrastructure projects is a drive towards sustainability of cities. The incorporation of green infrastructure can be a cost-effective solution to help communities save taxpayer money on public infrastructure capital investment and maintenance costs. This is in the sense that green roofs, urban forests and street trees among other green infrastructure projects help improve storm water management and limit the impacts of flooding on homes and businesses. All of these efforts support communities to become more resilient to the effects of climate change and extreme weather events, while lowering future infrastructure costs and promoting community revitalization. Zimbabwean cities can incorporate the above stated projects which in turn will contribute to the sustainability of its cities.

Parks and open spaces are also green infrastructure projects which can contribute to the sustainability Zimbabwean cities. Ebenezer Howard in his garden city concept he strongly recommends the siting of parks in the city. According to Frey (2003) garden city concept method was initiated in 1898 so as to help relieve London’s urban problems, these problems included pollution and lack of space among other things. Parks and open spaces were to have trees and flowers planted in them. The tiny bits of dust, chemicals, and metals suspended in the air are called particulate matter (Waugh 1995).Once breathed by humans it can result into serious health problems, also the pollution of the air results in rising of temperatures or climate change. Trees, parks, and other green infrastructure features can reduce particulate pollution by absorbing and filtering particulate matter. These trees would act as carbon sinks. It is to be noted that in contemporary cities each park would be there to serve multiple purposes, including improving public health, providing recreation opportunities in underserved communities, supporting biodiversity and creating habitat, and reducing ambient air temperatures. Thus achieving social, economic and physical sustainability.

Green infrastructure incorporation into the city’s form results in sustainability of the city. For example the incorporation of parks, urban forests, street trees,green roofs and green buildings add value to the city and the buildings in it. This can in turn attract investment as the place would be of value through the improvement of aesthetics, also it helps revive distressed neighborhoods and encourage redevelopment. This development of green infrastructure beautify the city and gives the people there in a sense of belonging. Also it provides recreational opportunities, and help achieve other social, economic, public health, and environmental goals. Parks can generate income for the community as result the generation of income to develop and maintain the city’s status, thus contributing to sustainability of the city as future generations would be able to use the same resources that were being used by present generations.

A city can be said to be economically sustainable if the resources there in it are being utilised efficiently and also if a city offers job to its inhabitants and attracts investors to come and invest in the city(UN HABITAT 2009). Sustainable investment can be as a result of green infrastructure projects whereby green infrastructure projects help maintain and protect investments in the city. For example through flood prevention and reducing the effects of climate change. Green infrastructure projects as mentioned earlier on include green roofs, permeable pavements, green buildings and blue roofs. This type of infrastructure requires construction and maintenance. This results job creation for a lot of people as manpower would be needed to construct and maintain the special projects. Yozzo et al (2004) has it that the implementation of the Greater New Orleans water plan resulted in the creation of two hundred permanent green jobs. This clearly shows that implementation of green infrastructure projects lead to sustainability of cities economically.

Climate change is inextricably linked to the process of urbanization where traditional problems like rapid population growth, increasing demand for housing space, need for support infrastructure especially transport and sanitation are exacerbated by the demand to accommodate the impacts of climate change in the planning process (Wilson and Piper 2010). Responding to these challenges which many urban cities are facing lies in innovative development of green infrastructure, which not only ensures resilience, but also includes environmental and well-being benefits. Basing on the above mentioned facts it is clear that innovative green infrastructure projects can contribute to the sustainability of Zimbabwean cities. However it is equally significant to manage the development of green infrastructure in order to deliver effective and efficient transition to sustainable urban form that further enhances urban resilience to multiple social, economic and environmental stressors.

Sustainability can be defined as development which uses resources efficiently .In light of this definition reducing the amount of money used in cities to provide services can be deemed to be sustainable development. Innovative green infrastructure projects can help in storm water harvesting, which results in many economic and social benefits thus achieving economic and social sustainability .Water harvesting is defined as the redirection and productive use of rainwater by capturing and storing it onsite for irrigation, toilet flushing and other potential uses (Maksimovic Kurian, and Ardakanian 2015).Cisterns and rain barrels are one of the green infrastructure projects which can be used for water harvesting. The three authors define them as water tight receptacles designed to catch and store storm water off roofs and other impervious surfaces. Rainwater harvesting and infiltration based practices increase the efficiency of water supply. Rainwater harvesting systems can be used for outdoor irrigation of parks and plants and some indoor uses thus significantly reducing the use of municipal water. In other words this practice reduces the use of portable water for outdoor uses. This reduces the amount of money needed for effective service delivery, thus sustainability as resources would have been saved for future generations.

The concept of sustainability is an important aspect when it comes to modern day cities. The implementation of green infrastructure projects can contribute to sustainability of cities. The incorporation of green infrastructure projects in the city in form of permeable pavings comes with many benefits which in turn result in sustainable development. Garrison et al (2009) defines permeable paving as a range of materials and techniques, such as permeable pavers or porous concrete, which allow water to seep in between the paving materials and be absorbed into the ground. Permeable paving can be used instead of traditional impermeable concrete or asphalt. The use of permeable pavements also has the potential to reduce energy use by lowering surrounding air temperatures, which in turn reduces demand on cooling systems within buildings. This also saves resources that would have been used to provide the energy and also for the purchase of the air cooling systems, thus sustainability. By allowing rainfall to infiltrate, permeable pavements can help increase groundwater recharge. Hence in light of the above Zimbabwean cities can adopt the use of permeable pavings which contributes to their sustainability.

Still on permeable pavings as green infrastructure projects which contribute to the sustainability of a city. Their incorporation into cities cultivates public education opportunities. Managing future economic and environmental constraints will require full community participation and partnership. Green infrastructure provides an opportunity to develop community awareness and understanding around the importance of sustainable water resource management. The installation of permeable pavement can provide an opportunity to further educate the public about the benefits of green infrastructure. Thus a move towards sustainability.

To add on green infrastructure projects in the city lead to habitat improvement. Vegetation in the urban environment provides habitat for birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and insects. Even small patches of vegetation like green roofs can provide habitat for a variety of insects and birds.  By reducing erosion and sedimentation, green infrastructure also improves habitat in small streams and washes. Habitat connectivity in large-scale green infrastructure projects, such as parks and urban forests, help to facilitate wildlife movement and connect wildlife populations between habitats. This will in turn return result in sustainability of an area or city.

Other than traditional ‘grey’ infrastructure solutions, which are usually designed as single-purpose, green Infrastructure is multifunctional, addressing a variety of challenges at the same time. A good example would be a spatially connected system of green spaces that mitigates the urban heat island effect, while simultaneously providing habitat for species and intercepting excess water run-off. Similarly, an urban forest which fosters a diversity of plant and animal species, while also providing a space for recreation and reducing air pollution, demonstrates the multi functionality of green Infrastructure. In this way, the limited space in cities can be used more effectively to perform several functions and increase city resilience. This will in turn lead to the sustainability of the city.

In conclusion it can be noted that green infrastructure projects improve the city’s overall sustainability. These projects include parks, green roofs, permeable pavings, use of cisterns and barrels for water harvesting, urban forests among other projects. These projects come with different benefits which include improvement of air quality, water supply, reduced energy use, increased investments and many others. It is these benefits that come as a result of green infrastructure projects which lead to sustainability of cities. Thus in light of the above Zimbabwean cities can adopt the mentioned innovative green infrastructure projects which contribute to sustainability of its cities.


  1. Frey, H, 2003, Designing the city: towards a more sustainable urban form, Taylor and Francis, Routledge.

  2. Garrison J, Noah M, Robert C, Wilkinson H, and Richard H, 2009, A Clear Blue Future, Natural Resources Defense Council and the University of California, Santa Barbara.

  3. Hansen, R.and Pauleit H, 2014, From multifunctionality to multiple ecosystem services? A conceptual framework for multifunctionality in green infrastructure planning for urban areas. Ambio, 43(4), pp.516-529.

  4. Maksimovic C, Kurian, M and Ardakanian, R, 2015. Rethinking infrastructure design for multi-use water services, Springer International Publishing, Chicago.

  5. Stimson, R, Stough, R and Roberts, B, 2006, Regional economic development: analysis and planning strategy. Springer Science & Business Media.

  6. UN HABITAT, 2009, Planning Sustainable Cities, Earthscan, London.

  7. Waugh, D 1995, Geography: An Integrated Approach 2nd edition,Walt-on-Thames Nelson Publishers, London.

  8. Wilson, E and Piper, J, 2010, Spatial planning and climate change. Routledge.

  9. Yozzo, D.J., Wilber, P. and Will, R.J., 2004. Beneficial use of dredged material for habitat creation, enhancement, and restoration in New York–New Jersey Harbor,Journal of Environmental Management, 73(1), pp.39-52.


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