Marie Anne and Co.
Marie Anne and Co.
I know a girl who is preying to have it all, When rather She should be praying and praying. Captioning her pictures 'happy girls are the prettiest,' And here i see pretty girls not that happy at all. Prettiness from happiness or Happiness from Prettiness, I don’t know. It’s confusing like how 10+4=40, but true happiness is life that’s all. Cheat coding her way to a stone on her ring finger, Not knowing many are enslaved by that wedding ring. The pyramids She never helped built but wants to live in, Might be a cold prison with just better linens for her.
I know another girl, her name is Marie-Anne, With her love for the coin it’s more like Marie-Yen. She is answering the call if you have French eyes or a Franchise. Looking for a Marry and ...., I don’t know if that'll give a Merry end. She wants a wedding cake, but not that marriage ache. Well I don’t know anyone who counts up to 5 without knowing 6 numbers. It’s sad She is here claiming she is beautiful, But what's that without being you aww what a fool. Sacrificing your happiness, Happiness your sacrifice? Really! Fast forward she has a bun in the oven and vision from the womb. Press play to reality, She is seeing she married for all the wrong reasons. I guess an 8/10 is an excellent A, But half a loaf is nothing when you could have had a dozen.
Dumisani Mukuchura follow him on facebook here

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