Beyond the yonder
Whenever I look beyond the yonder Shattered dreams encapsulate my dreary soul, The heavy, reeking and debilitating smell Of inner...

La Cri
La Cri Agape ask them, how do they manage to sleep at night? How they can turn a blind eye to that ear deafening cry for help? Sons of...

A Kiss From The Skies
Her trend is a capturing flash, swiftly lighting the earth before retraction into the thick tagid clouds. She's beautiful, a misty day...

Gota ndoenda.
Gota ndoenda. Mwedzi wachena, Wachena semukaka. Makomo oitawo mawungira, Padare izwi rotaurawo zvine chihuru. Gota roita duku, husiku...

Sweet Little One
Sweet Little One Sweet little one, the most dearly loved Life is such one complex thing Debilitating our free will at times Hurling us...

MARY Her beautiful eyes radiant as she looks at you. The warmth in her touch, Even her smile would melt ice frozen since Last September....